
Know the Ins and Outs (And Taps) of EMV

The Migration to Chip Technology

Know the Ins and Outs  (And Taps) of EMV

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No matter your business, it pays to be informed so you don’t end up paying the price for fraud. This is your complete guide to EMV: what it is, how it works, and why you should care.

What's Included?

The tides are turning: businesses are updating to EMV-capable payment technologies, and banks are issuing new Chip and PIN credit and debit cards. Don’t get left behind.

A staggering 63% of U.S. merchants have yet to implement EMV into their businesses, and research shows it’s due to a lack of knowledge. So we’ve created a brief but comprehensive EMV resource to help educate merchants.

Accept EMV Payments
You’ll learn:

  • How EMV is more secure than magnetic stripes
  • The different types of EMV
  • What the Liability Shift is and how it affects you