Simple payments, simple pricing

One platform, 7 ways to get paid.

To get a personalized quote or open a merchant services account, contact us today.

Unlimited users and access to PayHQ

  • Mobile Application
  • Web Terminal (Online Payments)
  • Digital Invoicing
  • Recurring Billing
  • eCommerce / API
  • Customer Credit Card Vault
  • Sales Reporting
Get Started Now

Small Business?

Don’t worry. We provide only what you need to run a growing business. Give us a call. +1.800.747.6883


From integrations to custom pricing to tailored support programs, we've got you covered.
Contact our team >

What else is included?

Your own merchant account

We don't mix you in with other merchants under an umbrella account. You get your own merchant account when you sign up.

Personalized Onboarding

Every new client receives personalized on-boarding and training services to get you and your team payment-ready.

24 x 7 x 365 real-person support

All Payfirma merchants get best-in-class support from our client success team. We put the "serve" back into service every day!

Free downloadable mobile apps

Download the industry's simplest mobile and tablet POS payment apps for free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your funds will be deposited within 1-2 business days.

  • MDR (Merchant discount rate): The percentage that is applied to all transactions for qualified (basic) credit cards.
  • Non-qualified rate: The additional fee for all non-basic, rewards cards.
  • Card brand (assessment) fee: A flat fee paid to Visa and MasterCard for each transaction.
  • Interchange: The fee the acquiring bank pays to the issuing bank. This varies for the different card types.
  • Interchange differential fee: The difference between the base interchange rate of a card brand (standard credit card with no rewards, perks, or benefits) and the actual interchange rate of the card.
Every organization is different, and our pricing is tailored to your unique business. The best way to determine what you’ll pay is to have a chat with one of our payment advisors for a custom quote.
There’s a monthly fee, cross-border (International) fee for foreign cards, one-time set-up fee, and a monthly minimum fee if you don't process the minimum amounts. We do not charge any batch, statement, or annual, fees that you see with other payment companies.
Yes, you can accept any major credit card: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, China Union Pay, Diners Club.
Yes, with our traditional terminals, you can accept Interac Debit. With any of our payment channels, you can accept Visa Debit.
Yes – definitely. Our experience is that once a business processes more than $40k in credit card volume, you will actually pay less in fees with Payfirma.